March 07, 2021


In the words of Banjo's Dad's (via text):

Goodbye 13s forever!! Hellooo 12s. If he keeps going like this we will have Banjo "the body" McFurdog on the runway!


A combination of steroids for allergies + being every-tradie’s best mate on the building sites his Dad manages saw Banjo gradually grow an extra roll or so.

So suburban pup was ideal for providing portion controlled containers + low-to-moderate fat meal formulations. 

And, along with some kibble reduction + regular 2-3km scampers beside Dad's scooter, we’ve seen Banjo progress nice and gradually back from 13.8kg to 12.3kg over a 2-3 month period (even including those treats that drop off the lunch table on Christmas Day!)  

The best thing just might be that Banjo seems to LOVE suburban pup-style dieting!  Retold with more of his Dad's signature text flair:

I arrived home with Banjo's food still in the (cooler) bag and I had even zipped it up.  He sniffed the air then sniffed the bag, then sat down by his food bowl like he has done years of training as a perfect TV dog, complete with the TV smile.

Learn more about our completely low-to-medium fat protein variety pack, or contact us for more personalised tips for shaping your best friend up for longevity, and either way - enjoy Banjo's progress shots below!!


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