What about me? A granola recipe for the busy humans!

April 28, 2017

What about me? A granola recipe for the busy humans!

Ever a bit jealous that your pooch has our Weekend Pawridge ready on demand first thing on lazy Sunday mornings, while you’re still trying to wrangle the coffee machine? Here’s a granola recipe us humans think we’ve perfected, and then batch up to make our own weekend brekkies easier.

BATCH GRANOLA FOR BUSY HUMANS (note: absolutely NOT for dogs this time!)


  • 2 cups oats
  • 1 cup trail mix (think almonds, cashews, pepitas, sunflower seeds, sultanas, maybe some cranberries – you may have an organic favourite, or Coles/Woollies' own brands also work just fine)
  • 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots (yuuum)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/8 cup maple syrup (you may wish to increase this to 1/4 cup if you’re using maple-flavoured syrup)
  • As much cinnamon as you like (go hard!)


  • Combine all ingredients
  • Spread on a foiled/papered baking tray
  • Bake in 150 degree Celsius oven for 20-25 mins, stirring occasionally (hot tip: the granola will not completely crisp up while it’s in the oven, but does so as it cools, so always better to under-cook than over-cook, we can vouch for it!)
  • Completely cool, then store in an airtight container
  • Serve with warm or cold milk (we favour unsweetened almond milk), yoghurt, or even orange/apple juice
  • Additional suggestion: Sneak in a spoon of tahini and some fresh berries :)
  • Finally tip: Control your own portions. It’s amazing how much of this you will want to eat…just like our pups and their Cafe Pawridge, we go for 100-200 grams per serve.

All this human food talk making your pup hungry? Check out our limited edition Strawberry Pawridge - only 200 containers being made, with 50c from each container sold being donated to our chosen charity Happy Paws Happy Hearts Foundation



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